Power Foam SHC
POWER FOAM SHC is a powerful, self-foaming, extra heavy-duty alkaline detergent specially formulated for cleaning carbon and grease from ducts, fans, floors, and walls of a smokehouse, as well as heavy soil deposits on stainless steel and plastic equipment. Exceptional cleaning when shower water contains high levels of iron which can stain walls and floors. POWER FOAM SHC can be used in oil plants, snack food operations, broiling, frying and any area where greasy deposits must be removed. Excellent for general foam cleaning in poultry and hatchery operations.
Form: Clear to Cloudy Liquid
Color: Brownish
Odor: Mild Ammoniacal
Foam: High, stable
Oil Emulsification: Excellent
pH (1%) ∼12.3
Density: 10.9 lbs./gal.
Alkalinity: Active as Na2O…18.2%
Metal Safety: Not corrosive to stainless steel processing equipment.
Cleaning Action: Powerful. Special high foaming wetting agents providing quick soil penetration while other ingredients promote rapid saponification and dispersion of fatty soils.